WEI Pengfei

WEI Pengfei

Principal investigator
主要研究方向:Focus on understanding the subcortical neural coding mechanismsfor threat signal processing using optogenetics combined with in vivo electrophysiological and optical recording.


A fundamental question in the fields of neuroscience and cognition science is: how the brain works for sensing, processing and handling the information from external stimulus, especially for emotion-laden stimuli. For the purpose of sustaining life, animal have its one of the basic abilities to detect the "biological significance" of affective stimuli and decide to approach or avoid from it, but the neural mechanisms underlying these general behavioral phenomena remains largely unclear.By utilizing a combination of optogenetics manipulation, in vivo electrophysiologicaland behavioral recording, we previously dissected a subcortical colliculus-pulvinar-amygdala pathway to mediate visually threat evoked innate fear responses.

Currently, our major research fields include:

1) To investigate the cell-types specific neuronal circuits of the subcortical pathways for different classes or components of innate defensive reactions;

2) To understand the neural coding mechanismsfor visual threat signal (overhead looming) processing.


2016-present, associate investigator at SIAT CAS;
2015, Postdoc at SIAT CAS;
2014, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD (Supervior: Prof. Liping Wang);
2009, Xi’an Jiaotong University,ME in Biomedical Engineering;
2002, Xi’an Jiaotong University,BE in Biomedical Engineering;

Selected Publications

1.Wei PF, Liu N, Zhang ZJ, Liu XM, Tang YQ, He XB, Wu BF, Zhou Z, Liu YH, Li J, Zhang Y, Zhou XY, Xu L, Chen L, Bi GQ,Hu XT, Xu FQ,Wang LP*. Processing of visually-evoked innate fear by a non-canonical thalamic pathway.Nature Communications.2015;6:6756

Wei PF, HeW, Zhou Y,Wang LP*. Performance of motor imagery brain-computer interface based on anodal transcranial direct current stimulation modulation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2013; 21(3):404-15.

3.Lu Y,Zhong C, Wang LL,
Wei PF,He W, Huang K, Zhang Y, Zhan Y, Feng GP, Wang LP*. Optogenetic dissection of ictal propagation in the hippocampal -entorhinal cortex structures.Nature Communications.2016, 5: 10926

4. Lu Y, Li YL, Pan JQ,
Wei PF, Liu N, Wu BF, Cheng JB, Lu CY,Wang LP*. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/poly(styrenesulfonate)-poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly (acrylic acid) interpenetrating polymer networks for improving optrode-neural tissue interface in optogenetics. Biomaterials, 2012;33:378-94.

5. Zhong C, Zhang YY, He W,
Wei PF,Lu Y, Zhu Y, Liu L, Wang LP*. Multi-unit recording with iridium oxide modified stereotrodes in Drosophila melanogaster,Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2014;222:218-29.